Editorial Policy

The JISEM encourages potential authors to submit original and innovative articles (within journal aims and scope) for evaluation in a "Double-Blind Peer Review" process. Manuscripts may be submitted free of charge through the online submission platform and cannot be evaluated by any other publication. When submitting a manuscript, authors assume that the contents are not copyrighted by any other publication.

Initially, submitted manuscripts are analyzed by the Editors. After passing this initial check, manuscripts are sent to external expert reviewers for a full and rigorous review. Editors have complete responsibility and authority to accept or reject a manuscript. In addition, Editors should guarantee the confidentiality of the submitted work, the anonymity of the reviewers and the rigorous implementation of the "Double-Blind Peer Review" process. Editors should have no conflict of interest concerning the manuscript. If errors are found, correction procedures will be followed to eliminate these errors.

Depending on the number of reviews and respective analysis and response by the authors, submission to publication is expected to be completed within 3-5 months.