Publication Fee
The publication fee for the Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management (JISEM) varies based on the review type, article length, and optional services. For Regular Review, the base fee is EUR 450, covering articles up to 6 pages. If the manuscript exceeds 6 pages, an additional charge of EUR 90 per page applies for each page beyond the sixth. For articles including colored images, an extra fee of EUR 50 is charged per image per page. Authors may also opt for our in-house proofreading service, which is available at an additional cost of EUR 150. However, this service is optional, and authors can choose to use third-party proofreading services if desired.
For those seeking expedited publication, the Fast Review option is available at a base fee of EUR 1500. The same additional page and colored image charges as in Regular Review apply to Fast Review submissions. To illustrate, a 10-page article with 2 colored images under Regular Review would incur a total fee of EUR 910, comprising EUR 450 for the base fee, EUR 360 for four additional pages, and EUR 100 for two colored images. However, the overall cost for most articles under Regular Review generally does not exceed EUR 800, except in cases involving extensive additional features. For Fast Review, the total cost for the same article would include the base fee of EUR 1500 plus EUR 460 for the additional pages and colored images.
We encourage authors to carefully assess their manuscript length and additional requirements to estimate the applicable charges. Our fee structure ensures transparency while supporting the operational costs of managing, editing, and publishing high-quality research.